Index of Circstats Programs
The CircStats library contains the following functions, all of which have online help
available. Detailed descriptions of these programs as well as the programs are available
from the book "Topics in Circular Statistics" (2001). These programs have been written
using S-Plus, which is widely used in the universities and other academic settings.
For those who do not have access to S-Plus, an alternative would be to download a FREE
version of a different language called R, to be found at
by going to the "R Binaries" link under "Software". Then use an R version of the CircStats
library that can be downloaded also FREE, from the website
CircStats Functions
Name Description
A1 Ratio of First and Zero$^{th}$ Order Bessel
A1inv Inverse of A1
bessel.0 Zero$^{th}$ Order Bessel Function of the First Kind
bessel.1 First Order Bessel Function of the First Kind
bessel.p $p^{th}$ Order Bessel Function of the First Kind Change Point Test
circ.cor Correlation Coefficient for Angular Variables
circ.mean Mean Direction
circ.plot Circular Data Plot
circ.reg Circular/Circular Regression Circular Standard Deviation
circ.summary Circular Summary Statistics
dcard Cardioid Density Function
deg Degrees
dmixedvm Mixture of von Mises Distributions
dtri Triangular Density Function
dvm von Mises Density Function
dwrpcauchy Wrapped Cauchy Density Function
est.kappa Estimate Kappa
est.rho Mean Resultant Length
kuiper Kuiper's Test
plot.edf Plot Empirical Distribution Function
pvm Cumulative Probability for the von Mises Distribution
qqvm von Mises Quantile-Quantile Plot
rad Radians
rao.homogeneity Rao's Tests for Homogeneity
rao.spacing Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity
rayleigh Rayleigh Test of Uniformity
rcard Random Generation from the Cardioid Distribution
rmixedvm Random Generation from the Mixed von Mises Distribution
rose.diag Rose Diagram
rtri Random Generation from the Triangular Distribution
rvm Random Generation from the von Mises Distribution
rwrpcauchy Random Generation from the Wrapped Cauchy Distribution
rwrpnorm Random Generation from the Wrapped Normal Distribution
rwrpstab Random Generation from the Wrapped Stable Distribution
trig.moment Trigonometric Moment
watson Watson's Test
watson.two Watson's Two-Sample Test of Homogeneity Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Wrapped Cauchy Distribution